What in the world, you may be asking, did a teenager do until 5:00 am in 1987 and 1988, before there were a gazillion cable channels, before the internet, before Playststion, Facebook, Pinterest and Candy Crush Saga? I read. Books. Lots and lots of books.
I still remember the first weekend in our apartment after JJ and I got married. It was Saturday, glorious, glorious Saturday, the day for sleeping in. Around 7:30 am, I felt a poke in the arm and could feel someone staring at me. I opened my eyes just a slit and there was JJ, all smiles. "When are you going to get up?"
What? A 7:30 wake-up poke and ear-to-ear grin is enough to push me into a murderous rage on a Saturday.
Fast forward a few (17) years and here I am, willingly getting up at 5:45. To golf.
That, in and of iteslf, is a joke. The first time my dad took me to the driving range, I was seventeen years old. We were there for 45 minutes and I connected with exactly three (THREE!) balls.
Here's how it went: Take a practice swing. Address the ball. Whiff, whiff, whiff, whiff some more. I had it in my head, after years of softball, that swinging something down into the ground was a bad idea. So, I would raise up just a little with every swing so that I wouldn't beat the club head into the ground and then I would miss the ball. I cried a lot.
So now I am getting up before the sun to play a game that makes me cry. Well, I don't cry anymore. I just swear a lot. It's cathartic.